Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Monitoring Using Perception-Based Measures Free Essay Example, 2250 words

The athletes can use the feedback from training loads for future training motivation. Several methods can be used for training load monitoring, but the best method recommended is the ratio of perceived exertion method. This method is used to quantify a load of training since it is simple to use, easily understood and easy to put into implementation (Borg 1982). Several studies have confirmed the validity of using ratings of perceived exertion for measuring the intensity of activity not only for those adults who are healthy but also for children and other clinical populations. Previous research also shows an existing relationship between ratings of perceived exertion and other physiological variables such as heart rate (Minganti et al. 2010). RPE (rating of perceived exertion) is the commonest methods used in the assessment of internal load monitoring. The use of rating perceived exertion (RPE) is based on the notion that athletes do monitor their physiological stress during activity as well as providing vital information retrospectively regarding their perceived effort post-competition or training. Strong evidence does suggest that rating perceived exertion do correlate well with the hate rate during a period of steady-state activity and high-intensity cyclical training interval. We will write a custom essay sample on Monitoring Using Perception-Based Measures or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page 2012). The perceived exertion is considered how hard an individual s body feel while working. It is based on the physical feeling being experienced by an individual during physical exercise including the performance of physical exercise such as increased rate of breathing, increased perspiration, muscle fatigue, increased heart rate.

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